The Content Writer
Click onto any website and the chances are you’ll see content. Whether you’re aware of it or not, generally what you’ll see or read on a site is deemed from a marketing perspective as content. But what exactly constitutes content in a corporate online environment and how can a content writer, such as myself, help?
In my mind, content is any element featured on a business website to persuade, amuse or enlighten.
The capabilities of the online world are such that content includes text such as copy pages and blog articles. There could also be images such as photos or banners, video embedded from youtube and the not so often used audio – some websites have back ground music for example. Sometimes you might contribute content to another website such as adding social media posts to a social media platform or offering your material as a guest blogger.
Most business owners, in consultation with their web designer and user experience expert, chose appropriate content that will best explain their products and services in order to convince a client or customer to make an inquiry or to buy something. In general, websites should contain a mixture of content elements as each has a particular purpose. The written word is great for SEO, while images help to create an engaging virtual world of your business. Video content has the power to impart key messages succinctly.
While on the surface it may appear that a content writer is really only needed to create written content and blogs posts, the reality is - a copywriter should be involved to some extent with each of the content areas. As a website copywriter and blog writer I regularly write compelling written content – that’s the given. But in addition, video content should be scripted by a writer and images should work in conjunction with the copy and feature a caption and alt text.
Overall, a content writer can offer advice on how to develop a website strategy that seamlessly ensures each of the content elements work in harmony - so that your key messages are heard by the audience that needs to hear them.
Read more articles on web copywriting.